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I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, at Aarhus University. I work on the politics of housing, urban development, and electoral accountability.
A central focus of my work is the political causes and consequences of the housing affordability crisis in some of the world's most productive cities. I have shown that rising housing price inequality explain patterns of national government performance and the rise of right wing populist parties. My current projects investigate why citizens oppose new housing in their neighborhood, the interplay between localist institutions and land-use policies, and whether localist opponents of development are more likely to move to high-cost cities.
Beyond housing, I am broadly interested in representation and accountability in local governments. For instance, I have studied challenger parties path to power, the political influence of homeowners, and to what extent political responsibility goes hand in hand with electoral accountability.
In 2023 I received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council for the project POLICITY which studies citizen opposition to urban development, and in 2022 I received a Semper Ardens: Accelerate grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to study the political power of homeowners.
My research has been published in the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics and the British Journal of Political Science.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my research, please feel free to contact me.